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Saturday, August 11, 2012

[Review] ピグライフ生活 (Pigg Life Life)

Hello Everyone! Today I am going to introduce (give a walk-through) and review a very helpful and nice Pigg Life extension available for the Google Chrome Browser. This Pigg Life extension claims to help you enhance and manage your pigg life Garden activities better! Let's see!

The title of this extension is ピグライフ生活 which means PiggLife Life and was created in October of 2011 and is currently being used by almost 4,000 users! This extension does a variety of things such as notify you when your crops are done, when your stamina bar is full, and lets you keep tabs on random things to keep your Pigg Life activities under control!

I found out about this app a long time ago but never tried it out. I recently re-discovered it and decided to give it a try. I am impressed to say the least. It does notify you when things are ready to harvest and does make keeping tabs on your garden much easier. I've made a walk through below but I'll have to do some translating to make it useful. Overall, I'm glad that I installed this extension! I am a control freak when it comes to my garden and this extension lets me relax a little bit. xD

However, I do wish this extension was a bit more personal and automatic. I wish it could automatically put in what plants I've planted, how many and how much harvest time is left. But, I guess that would be infringing on the game and some hacking would need to be done for that to work. :(

Other than that, it's a big old fancy timer. xD However, my favorite aspect is the memo tab/section. I have so many Pigg Life gardens bookmarked for when I want to do Outrageous Gardens and so it would be nice to just input their ID into the extension with a memo stating what I like about their garden. Usually, they get lost in the hundreds of bookmarks I have. Often times they get forgotten, and when I get to them, the garden is completely different. I also have tons of documents on my computer with Pigg Life materials I need and Pigg Life blog Ideas. It'd be nice to have it all in one place.

One more thing, It might just be my browser, but when I click on the extension, it takes a while to pop-up. Don't worry, it's coming.

Of course, the app is only in Japanese but don't worry, I'm going to try and make a translation soon for all the crops etc!

I give ピグライフ生活  a 5/5  because it's one of the only free Pigg Life software/extensions out there and there are limitations that they must abide by without infringing on the actual game! :D


If you're curious and want to try out the extension, please look at the walk-through below.
Warning: Picture Heavy!

Step 1: Please visit this website and install the extension by clicking the blue button.

Step 2: If your screen looks something like mine, Pigg Life Life has been installed.

Step 3: Click the sprout icon in the top right corner to launch the extension.
Step 4: The extension should open up to the main tab, which should look like the picture below.

Step 5: Let's go to the NEW tab to register some plants we've planted.

Step 6: Click the drop down to choose the crops that you want to keep track of. For the sake of this review, I'm going to select strawberries because they have the shortest harvest time. All the crops are categorized by time and by type (Flowers, trees, construction etc.). --I'm thinking I'll translate it--
Step 7: After we select the crop, let's select how many we planted and then click the button next to it.

Step 8: Now, go back to the first tab and you can see that our strawberries are there

Step 9: when your crops are ready, a pop-up with sound will notify you that they are ready! Also, the tab at the top should change from a 0 to whatever number depending on how many different crops are ready.

Step 10: When you click on the extension, it will now tell you how long you have left until the crop becomes unhealthy. Once you've harvested your crop, click the delete button to delete it off the queue. Or you can click the button next to it and reset the timer.

Now, let's check out the memo/メモ tab

This section let's you input random memos such as how many materials you need for the quest, or how much money you need to save up for that fountain etc. You can also input ID numbers that will directly lead you to that person's garden.

For example, let's say you promised to water my garden everyday for 5 days but we aren't friends and so I'm not on your friends list. To save my ID easily, we can put it in the memo section.

  Let's click the [Edit] button. Input my ID between the "@" signs and click the [Save] button. When you look at it, my ID should be clickable and when you click on it, it will lead you directly to my garden.

Please note  my ID is not ten.ten. but 01000001. Therefore, your ID is whatever you sign in with on Ameba. If you want to know someone's ID, click on their profile and click Blog (ブログ). Whatever comes up at the end of is the ID.

Lastly, there is one more function that is worth noting. Right click on any website page you have open and go to the Pigg Life Life section! You can access a variety of Pigg Life related links easily! This is great for those who don't know feel like putting in the URL etc.

I hope this was helpful and look forward to a translation of the crop section!

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