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Thursday, August 9, 2012

Honey Quest! [Robin and Pero] (FINAL UPDATE)

If you are looking for the main honey quest, please click this link here

Robin Quest
Deadline: 8/1-8/16



Pero Quest
Deadline: 8/1-8/16



You can now also visit the hundred acre wood area and trade in your honey candles for honey pot decorations. You will be able to do this up until 8/16.


  1. I'm kind of glad the exterior and interior isn't so cute this time. I decided to catch up with other quests.

    But I'm still so sad over failing the lavender quest :(

  2. Hahaha I'm not a fan of the exterior as well. If it weren't for the fact that this is a Disney quest, I probably wouldn't care if I finished it.

    Aww, better luck next time and good luck catching up on the other quests!

  3. Of course now there is emergency maintenance.....
