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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Ten.Ten.'s room selection: Block Architect Edition Pt. 2

This is part two of my Block Architect showcase! These last 4 rooms are fun and playful with lots to see and climb!

First up we have tEaYjUnG from Thailand! She has 2 lovely rooms filled with playful and cute block structures. The first room is dedicated to her bear family. We have Momma bear cooking, Papa bear giving a diamond to Momma Bear, Son bear eating and Sister bear either dressed as a fairy or that is a fairy bear!

The second room is dedicated to Bees in a room full of flowers. Lucky bees!

Next up is  ♨カリプソ・カフェー♨ from France! She has 3 magnificant rooms but her Play with your food park is her claim to fame. This room has 5 fairies about to joy some delicious food. Aren't they adorable!


Here we have Miss Melissaめりーさ from Japan. She also has 3 lovely rooms but the one that keeps me coming back is the room she dedicated to her lovely panda named Panda-kun. She made a larger than life sized Panda structure and Panda vehicle! I guess Panda-kun and PinPan want me to drive them somewhere???

Lastly we have クローン from England. He dedicated his room to the sick and hurt in Pico. The hospital is capable of life flight and has ambulance service. Thank you for thinking of those accident prone Picos! Don't worry guys this place is open 24 hrs! dh chdhd

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