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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Ten.Ten. is tired in Pigg Life!

Who else is burnt out from trying to clear the bonus quest. I know I am! I'm also upset because in the end I didn't clear the quest in time to get the bonus. I actually could have made it if I had an extra hour. D: How disappointing. Damn me sleeping six hours instead of four. LOL

*Angry* So, moving on!

With this quest, many Pigg Lifers have come to the realization that the Pigg Life staff has been steadily turning up the degree of difficulty when it comes to the quests. If we compare previous quests with recent quests, there are a lot of changes that has been pretty disadvantageous to us normal players.

Energy draining quests
In earlier quests we were mainly concerned about splitting our energy between cooking and harvesting, but nowadays we have to worry about splitting our energy between cooking, harvesting, sewing, dying, using the cotton machine, spindle machine, harvesting in the forests and most recently, working on the construction table. In the recent quests, we are stretching our energy really thin! We have to harvest flowers (1 energy) for the construction table, oh! we need wood too (2 energy)! Now, we have to make it (1 energy) and harvest it (1 energy)! That's a lot of energy!

Even though it was never guaranteed to get the ticket in cooking, at least we only wasted one energy. The button system isn't fair. We have to use one energy to make the product that gives us the button. Then we have to use another energy to harvest the product and sometimes we don't even get a button! We ended up wasting not only energy but materials as well. :(

Complicated Quests
Quests are becoming more and more complicated. You gotta do this to make this to harvest this...yadda yadda yadda. I think our first complicated quests, not counting the construction quests, were the quests that needed seeds. I think those are the most time wasting, energy draining quests we've ever had. It's not fair that you have to plant red tomatoes to get yellow tomatoes to get black tomatoes. Next thing you know...there might even be a time restriction to harvesting. lol

More quests in the same amount of time
If we look back on quests that came before the Halloween quest, such as the peach quest, sunflower quest etc., they are composed  of only five parts. Now, quests are composed of six or more parts. We also have other Pigg Life villagers' quests such as Robin and Pero's quest, which are usually time consuming and can be more than one part.

So, not only are the quests composed of more parts, but we still only have about  two weeks to complete them.

Dependent quests
Nowadays, Pigg Life quests are usually composed of the main quest and a villager's quest such as Robin's and Pero's. The problem lies in the fact that in order to do the villager's quest you must complete the main quest first. I don't think that's very fair considering the villager's quests are just as hard as the main quests. I wish they would let us complete villager's quests while we are still working on the main quest because sometimes there is just not enough time.

No Guarantee
We harvest but aren't guaranteed the special plant. We cook but aren't guaranteed the ticket. We create but aren't guaranteed a button. This is frustrating because it wastes energy and materials. Now we have to harvest more wood or we might have to make more butter, plant more flour. We can never predict how much we'll have to plant or harvest because you never know how the drop rate is feeling that day.

Longer harvest times
Does it really take 18 hours for wheat to harvest? Really!!? The harvest times don't make any sense whatsoever during the event time. It should be 12- hours for trees and flowers and 6- hours for everything else.  These long harvest times can make or break you when your getting close to the deadline. You basically need to be done at least a day early because what if you run out of materials but only have 17 hours left to finish the quest? Well, you can't plant the event crop that takes 18hrs to harvest. It'll be too late.

Random "Happy Time"-more like unhappy time-
I don't even understand this new system of happy harvest/button/cooking times. In the past they gave us an exact date and time frame for when you can take advantage of say double tickets or guaranteed special crops when harvesting. Now, they give you like a 3 day span and say, 'There will be a happy button time between 7/24 and 7/27.  Good luck!'  HUH!?

So, I find myself randomly stumbling into 30 minute happy times ever so often. What can I do in 30 minutes!? Not much if I don't have energy because I didn't know that there is a happy time going on right now. They are really random and very unhelpful. So many Japanese players are complaining about this new system.

Even with these "happy times", I feel like I'd have to lose sleep or spend money to actually complete the quests 100%, which is not fun at all.

Yes, I do believe the items are more appealing than before, but I also feel like they want us to buy our way to the prizes. I am grateful that so far most, if not everything, has been completely free. No Gacha Yay! But, It's not fair for us to have to work extra extra hard to get a prize if there's only a slim chance of us actually getting it without having to pay for energy or any of the special potions.

I enjoy Pigg Life and I'm glad they are evolving by adding different features and what not but this quest was more for those who stalk their Pigg Life gardens than those who spend as much time as they can playing the game but still live their lives and don't want to lose any sleep.

What do you fellow Pigg Life players think? Have you noticed the changes? If so, what do you think about them? 


  1. Yeah, that "happy time" usually happens then you already used a half of your energy.
    And the drop rate of... things. Ugh! Yesterday I opened (harvested?) three potpourri baskets in succession -- no buttons. It's discouraging.

  2. You're right! It never activates until your at like 15/30 energy. That's really not fair.
    Yes, that is discouraging. I really hate when that happens. D:

  3. I found myself thinking about setting an alarm for every time my stamina will reach maximum so I can try to get the quest items, but I think that's too obsessive maybe. I'm worried about the exterior and interior for the Lavender quest not being accessible to those who haven't completed the main quest. I wish I could just stop caring about the quests, but the items are so lovely. Pigg Life have an excellent marketing strategy, don't they, so many people buying AmeG for stamina water and すごい水

  4. also, because watered plants have a lower percentage change of giving rare items, does anyone else feel very guilty when having to water them for quests?

  5. So true :(

    Also, was took me by surprise when I finished the main quest (getting the birdy house) was, that there wasn´t a following quest right away for the lavender exterior (there is interior, too? I haven´t seen it, but *yay* if). I´m afraid I missed it and the quest for the lovely lavender house is already running. ^.^°°°° I read that it will start on the 26th, yes? I hope we have to use all buttons we can collect right now, not that they give us a complete new task. (>.<)

  6. Now, quests are too hard, and i cannot finish the special quests.
    For example, for the Orange's Quest, I finished the 6 levels, but not having the other quests, the game was so skinflint ... The game is becoming more and more HARD, and that's a shame, because it's no interest to play... Besides the potions it's convenient, but when I take one, I no longer have ANY special items when I harvest. What interest to use a potion to harvest more, and it just desserve you ?

    Also, the game is mean : the quest for Lavender, I have one day and a half to the five items of the last level, because I can not have white lavender when i harvest. According to that, now i'm disinterested..... Already I find that I spend a lot of time for this game, and unfortunately it is often for nothing ...

    I find my happiness in Pigg Island, the quests at least are easier, and do not give a headache LOL

  7. @imymiimii: I have been guilty of setting my alarm every 2 1/2 hours xDD during event times. xD I think it is a little extreme but sometimes it's the only way to stay ahead.

    I feel guilty watering the event plants if that is all they have. I don't mind for mines but it really sucks they made that strategy to lower the drop rate when it's watered. Doesn't that seem like the opposite of what should happen. lol

    I'm hoping they make the in/exterior quests for everybody whether they finished the main quest or not. That would be the most fair!

    And yes, Ameba must have some of the most genius marketers hahaha. Even I want to buy stamina/potions at times. :(

    Thanks for commenting!

  8. @Mirabellen Mädchen: I was surprised too that there was not a quest immediately following!

    Yes, the quest for the exterior will start on the 26th. There is nothing new until that day.

    Ah, that wouldn't be fair to give us a whole new task!! If we look at Emily's garden, there is more lavender construction items. So, I think we will be making those using lavender patterns too.

    Good luck! Thank you for commenting!

  9. @vksushi-sale: Hahaha I agree with your comment. I get a huge headache from Pigg Life.

    I agree it is very hard and that it makes you disinterested when all the hard work seems to be in vain. :(

    Let's hope that Pigg Island doesn't become like Pigg Life!

    Thank You for commenting!

  10. I find myself in agreement with everything being said. The quests have indeed been getting incrementally harder. I always get nervous openning a parcel or cooking something because I don't know if I'll get a stamp/button or not, and sometimes I get paranoid and think well I shouldn't open/cook them in succession, or if I don't collect a stamp/button for one the next one will be the same. No joke, although this was one of the earlier quests - almond - I cooked ten items and didnt get a single stamp, that was a nightmare. Now I find that as soon as I harvest everything and there's nothing left to harvest, the "happy time" comes up, its so frustrating.

    Another issue I have, I like the statue quests that you can complete on your own time - that was a nice addition - but I feel like there's not enough break time between quests to do your own thing. I've been trying to finish the quests really quickly so that ill have more time to do my own stuff before the next quest but I've been so busy that sometimes I miss a day or two and that throws me off and I either finish just in time or not at all and b4 you know it - the next quest. geeze. Another thing - what do I do with all these pot pourri baskets and tulip boxes - seriously? I do appreciate a more pleasing cage for the animals (although i didnt fin in time) and the birds. I wish they could give us a pet or something as a prize. Oh and lastly, I get that harder quests should have better prizes but sometimes i think its a bit unfair that the special quests have much nicer alternatives to the the regualar quests.

  11. The quests have definitely become a lot harder. Especially when you get to the extra parts(like the houses).

    I know exactly what you mean about the random happy time. I was so confused as to when It would start, and then I wouldn't have enough stamina left... I liked it better when there was a set time. Although I admit I sometimes mixed up the time due to living in a different time zone. ^_^;

    PS, I saw in the comments above that you said that watering the plants lowers the drop rate? 0_0 I feel bad now cause I thought it was raising the chances, so I've been watering those plants. When did this happen?

    PPS, just wanted to add that I like your blog. XD

  12. Well... new quest will require new materials. Not sure will it be available for everyone or only lucky ones who have finished current quest.

    I'm out of luck. Bye-bye, "twitter" bird~ OTL

  13. @Sophie: I feel the same the way about the parcels/cooking! I am always nervous about the outcome too! It is really really nervewracking.

    You're right, they really don't give us enough time to focus on the monument quests. I always have to do a little bit at a time or it takes away from my quest energy. :(

    Hahaha, I know! I hope they release an item so that we can trade them just like they did for the clover headbands because like you, I have no use for that many potpourri baskets. LOL and you're right. The bonus prizes are soooo much more cute and it makes me sad whenever I can't get them.

    Oooh! A pet woud be nice! I would do everything in my power to finish that quest, even if that meant sleepness nights. xD

    Thanks for commenting! Good luck with your quests!

  14. @milkenv6: True true! I would miss the happy times too because I live in a different time zone and I'd be sleeping. xD

    Wouldn't that make sense for the chances to go up!? But, it has been proven that crops that haven't been watered have a higher drop rate than those who have been watered. So, many Pigg Lifers began blocking off their event crops. I have no clue if this was happening in the beginning but I started reading and seeing about it a few months ago. D: Pigg Life seems to be sabotaging our quests. LOL

    Aww, thank you for reading and commenting! Good Luck with your quests.

    1. Well that is definitely weird and unfortunate that the drop rate lowers... -_-

      Thank you~ I managed to finish the main quest, now I'm aiming for the house. lol XD Good luck to you too!

    2. To be honest, the opposite happens to me. In my case, the more the lavender gets watered, the bigger the chance I get the white lavender. Weird...?

  15. @Seiv: Wow, that is so not fair! I've been stocking up on white lavenders for the ext/interior quest and if I don't need them, then that was a waste. I would give them to you if I could. xD

    Let's hope the second quest will be available for everyone!

  16. I made the same mistake. I was expecting there to be a change for the new quest, but not a whole new plant. I want the interior and exterior badly because I've just started a new PiggLife account and I am bored of the standard house.

  17. @imymiimii: I wasn't expecting that as well. LOL Welp, let's hope it's not too ridiculous considering the next quest should be starting soon -unless they changed the schedule-.

  18. Although the promised new materials (platinum lavender and small flowers) are up, buttons are the same as before. Yay!
    But the harvest time is still 18 hrs and we have only 5 days to complete this quest with unknown number of stages. D=

  19. @Sei: I'm glad we can still use previous materials too but yes, this quest seems abnormally complicated to only be a week long. \(◎o◎)/
