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Saturday, July 14, 2012

Ten.Ten. in Pigg!

Hello! How is the Orange Quest coming along? Everyone who is participating has less than 20 hours to wrap everything up! Good Luck! I didn't follow the orange quest as closely as usual because I was participating in the fishing quest on Pigg and the fishing quest is really really time consuming!!!! But the prizes are really worth it. I'm really loving all the aquatic/marine theme items that they have been releasing!
cute penguin mask, lifesaver and monkey!

Captain outfit!

I'm also here to mention that I won't be translating the next Pigg Life quest because I'm going on vacation. So, Good Luck in advance and I'll be back soon!


  1. how do you get the jellyfishes in ur fish tank i caught so many but can't put them in mine?

  2. Are you using the right fish tank? There are two basic fish tanks and they cost 50,000points each.

    The river (川) version and the sea (海) version. The jelly fish goes into the sea fish tank.

    Also, there are two kinds of jellyfish. The jellyfish that you catch in the area that has the lighthouse cannot be put into the fish tank.

    Only special jellyfish from the Japan sea area (huge ship) can be put into the tank. They are only available during special events if you want to catch them. (it'll have a blue star beside it, which means it can go into the fish tank).

    Hop this helped! :)

  3. do you have to buy the fish tanks, i have one from fishing.

    i see, i think i was talking about the regular jellyfish because one of my friends has them before.

    i have another question just concerning ameba itself, is there a limit adding freinds, cause i added it at least 100 friends and why i can't add me.. its like i can add them but don't see them pending in my friends list, can you help me?

  4. In the beginning when they first released the fish tanks, They had an event where they gave them out for free (that is how I got mine). But now you have to buy them if you don't have them. They are in the Fish Shop.


    Are you talking about Amenber (アメンバー) for your Ameba blog? or for Pigg?

    If you are talking about for the blog, the limit is 1,000 friends.

    If you can give an example, maybe I can help you more because I don't quite understand. Sorry. :(

  5. i see, well i made new account. just didn;t like my ID anyways i see i only got the dark blue tank and i am guessing you have to buy the other one from shop.

    yes amenber for my blog.

    well when i try to add someone its not on my friends list, either pending or accepted.

    but when my sister add its on her friends list, does that make sense?

  6. Yes, thank you for replying! I think I know what you mean.

    Well, Ameblo works a little different.
    Amenber (アメンバー) basically means that you can read someones locked/secret/Amenber only entries.

    So, when you "Add" your sister, that just means you can read her locked entries. So, if you want her to appear on Amenber/friends list, she is going to have to add you back manually. It isn't automatic.

    So, when you add 100 people, you will be on THEIR list. All 100 people will have to add you back manually to be on YOUR list. It's different than Pigg.

    So, have your sister add you just like you did hers and see if she appears on your list.

    I hope this solves the issue!

    Also, there are two friends/Amenber list.
    One that tells you who you added and
    one that tells you who has added you.
    Sometimes only one shows up on the profile so make sure you enable both!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. never mind i got it fixed more like adding only 20-30 friends/day. i basically had to make a new one so all done. lol. thank for all ur help though.

    are you catching the new jellyfishes?

    do we have to exchange them to get the jellyfishes at the shop?

  9. Oh, well I'm glad you got everything solved!

    Um, maybe if I have time :D, they look cool!

    Yes, along with daily tickets.

  10. when does the jellyfishes event end?
