So, Today was the first showing of Ameba Pigg's yearly firework show. They are showing it for 3 days, each day they will show it 3 times and each show lasts a minute. I decided to go to the first showing with my girls! The show was at 7:00 pm Japan time so...the place was filling up around 6:30pm. We found a room that was semi empty and got some seats and ate shaved ice!
Around 6:45pm all the rooms were nearly full. Which meant 15,000+ Piggs were watching the first showing! We talked while the fireworks went off and when the show was over we parted ways. I was happy to carry my Octopus lantern! Plus I've been wanting an occasion to wear my sauna outfit I got while fishing a while back!

A few weeks from now, I won't be able to play Pigg/Pico/Pigg life often, so I am happy to end the summer on a good note!

I wish you the best! ^_^