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Monday, June 27, 2011

Ten.Ten. and royal wedding gacha

I had just got done reading a terribly depressing and scary book when I was notified that there was a new update in Pico. I just knew Pico was going to cheer me up! I went to the new royal wedding room and saw the Gacha. It's 50AG a spin. I thought, Well, it's cheaper than the other one so I'll give it whirl. I spun it 3 times before I gave up. Don't rely on Gacha to cheer you up. XD

I really do like the white wedding dress better than the blueish wedding dress from the 100AG gacha but I'm not willing to go the distance to obtain it. I think their might be a little over 10 different items in this gacha O.O...>.<.

Anyway, I received a wedding bouquet, tea set, and the royal dresser. I guess I should be grateful that I got such a huge piece for only 50ag, right? ^.^

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