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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Ten.Ten. in Pigg Life! [FINAL UPDATE]

Pigg Life has released what I like to call part 2 of the lavender quest but they have named this quest The Lavender's Butterfly Quest. This quest is composed of two parts. We have Robin's quest, which will give you the exterior decorations. And we have Pero's quest, which will give you the exterior.

The new plant called the Butterfly Lavender will give, you at times, platinum lavender and a small flower. We will need those in addition to normal lavenders and white lavenders to complete the quests!

Also, to make it clear, you plant normal lavender and they sometimes "grow up" to be butterfly lavender.

There has also been the release of new products, recipes, and construction items!


The platinum lavender seems to be very rare. Therefore, you can trade in your small flowers for platinum lavenders by going to the small garden area and trading with Leila. 

Pigg Life has also released a new product called increasing dust which guarantees platinum lavender. 
If you use one bag of dust on a lavender, you will get two platinum lavenders. If you use two bags of dust on a lavender, then you will get three platinum lavenders. So on and so forth. The price is 60AG a bag.


Q. When will the butterflies appear?
A. The butterflies will appear when the lavender is ready to harvest. Butterflies only apply to lavenders planted after the start of the butterfly quest.

Q. will the butterflies disappear if I don't harvest right away?
A. Once a butterfly appears, it does not go away until the lavender is harvested.

Q. Can we still receive white lavenders?
A. Yes, there is still the possibility to receive white lavenders.

Robin's Lavender's Butterfly Quest
Deadline: Today until 7/31

 Lavender exterior decorations


Pero's Butterfly Lavender Quest
Deadline: Today until 7/31

Lavender exterior



  1. its so hard i still haven't got flowers at all.

  2. @Brittany: I planted 30 lavender and only got 3 butterfly lavenders. :(, So, yea this seems like it is going to be tough.

  3. do you know anything about what to do with all those lavender baskets by now? I've got hundred now, but who needs that much?? ._____.

  4. They haven't released anything yet that lets us trade them in. Hopefully they will.

    They let us trade in all the tons of clover headwreaths we made but not the millions of tulip planters. lol So, I have no clue if they will or not. Pigg Life is so unpredictable. :(

  5. They should probably make a lavender tile, so we can trade our potppouries with it. That'd be cute with the lavender house.
    So far, I've got about 130 potppouries already, and I don't even use a single of them to decorate my garden, since it doesn't match :(

    As for the butterfly lavenders, they're indeed very rare. I planted about 200 lavenders, but only 10 of them were butterflied. Thank goodness the platinum lavenders are not as rare as I thought they would be, but the small flower is the one that is so rare!

  6. Sometimes instead of platinum lavender you get a single small flower, thank you very much. Why didn't a common lavender drop that thing?
    Maybe they should just sell that interior/exterior for ameG? That would be less irritating.

  7. @Sei: Hahaha Yes, at least having the option to buy would be of some relief because I feel like all this work I'm doing will end up being in vain. LOL

  8. @Kaoripigg: That'd be nice to get lavender tiles.

    Even though I usually get the small flower when I don't get platinum lavender, I'm glad it's rare because it's not worth it. xD

  9. the final quest is so ridiculous with that very little of time and very few butterfly lavenders we can get

    1. I agree that it is ridiculous! Especially because we are making 6 useless flower vases too. :(

  10. It's too hard! I haven't even completed the Robin quest yet and there's just a day left.

    1. Awww, I agree. I think a lot of people won't be finishing this one, including me. :(
