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Sunday, April 3, 2011

Ten.Ten. On discrimination

Notified via PicoPerfect that April 4th (?) will start off Discrimination week; I'm really excited to see the articles that the author(s) will present to us readers. Upon logging onto Pico I got a letter reporting an incident where discrimination was present. 

I'm really honored this Pico who wishes to remain anonymous values my opinion and blog enough that she would like me to write about the subject. Discrimination is a very complicated and sensitive topic where many issues could be present in the person perceived to being the one discriminating  and the one being discriminated against.

I'm not a psychologist nor am I versed enough to analyze accurately the cause of these things but I think to an extent situations where bullying, discrimination, harassment, racism are present happen more often in environments where diversity is prevalent, anonymity is allowed, and there is the ability to exclude people.  All of these factors are present in Ameba Pico.

For those who do not know what discrimination is please look at this link at the end of the article for a definition.

Now I will present to you the situation which my anonymous friend notified me of:

Now Adolf Hitler was a German dictator that discriminated against many people in his pursuit to a pure Aryan race. This Pico is imitating this German dictators perceived personality and maybe his ideology but really this Pico is just being flat out mean. With Ameba Pico allowing its user to hide their identity situations like these occur very often and very easily. I myself can make another Pico and make other Picos believe I'm someone I'm not. 

This anonymity gives people courage and opportunity to do things they wouldn't normally do in real life. But this doesn't stop the person being discriminated against feel any less hurt. Therefore I can try to give some tips on how to lesson the hurt.

1. Ignore the person. Ameba Pico has an ignore button that will mute the person. Out of sight out of mind.
2. Don't engage in the same behavior. Two wrongs don't make a right.
3. Try not to take it personally. Their opinion shouldn't be something worthy enough to be taken to heart. You don't know this person, they don't know you so I suggest you not even give them a chance to be apart of your world.

I will now refer you to Ameba Pico's terms of service concerning conduct. Please report anyone that is engaging in activities or behaviors that are stated in the TOS as not being allowed on Ameba Pico to Ameba Pico Admin.

Thank you and have a happy Pico life!

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